Hi, i'm new here
my best lessons from the beginning
I started my Scentsy journey in 2010... and quickly experienced success. Here's what I did in the beginning of my journey to build a strong foundation for a thriving business!
It's important to start your business off on the right foot - with a PLAN to achieve the fast start awards. No matter where you are or how you want to build your business, I will A L W A Y S recommend a kick-off LAUNCH to get started! You can launch your business online, in-person, or a combo of the two.
After reading through the entire Consultant Guide - get to work on your Launch Plan. It's important to read the Consultant Guide first... because it may bring something to light that you didn't know - which will affect your goals!
Write out your Launch Plan, Shooting Star date, financial goals... and then GET TO WORK! Follow what the Consultant Guide & my Big Business Blueprint (linked below) says and you'll be off to a great start!
big business blueprint
I created a series of 5 videos, outlining the 4 building blocks of a great business. These 4 building blocks are designed to give you maximum success, while keeping you focused on the BASICS. Because if there's anything I've learned over the years, it's that it's the BASICS that build a business. Don't get distracted or sway from these things... they're truly the foundation of any business - whether you want to start small or BUILD IT BIG.